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To import your dog, cat or ferret to any European Union country, it must be microchipped first. No vaccinations that are given before the microchip count. Even if your pet's current rabies vaccination has not expired, it still must be re-vaccinated for rabies after the microchip is implanted.

The next step depends on which country you are entering the EU from. If it is a high-rabies country, then you must wait for a minimum 30 days after the rabies vaccination (do not count the day of veterinary visit) before getting your dog, cat or ferret a rabies titer test. The sample must be sent overnight in a refrigerated blood pack to an approved laboratory for processing. Assuming your pet's antibody levels are at least 0.5 IU/ml, then your pet can enter the EU without quarantine 3 calendar months after the day the blood was taken for the test.


If your pet is entering the EU from any other country, it will not need the titer test. It can enter the EU after waiting at least 21 days after the rabies vaccination is administered.

If your dog is traveling to the UK, Ireland, Norway, Finland Malta, it will need a tapeworm treatment administered by a licensed veterinarian between one and five days of entering those countries. This assumes that it is not entering any of these countries directly from another country listed here. (Entering the UK from Ireland, or entering Finland from Norway) In these cases, the tapeworm treatment is not required.

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